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Written by Alex | |
Tuesday, 22 April 2008 02:54 | |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) Welcome to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section. Please, check here before emailing a question to our Help department. Many times the answers you are seeking can be found there. If your answer is not on the FAQ’s, or on any of the links provided on the left, please feel free to email us. Please keep in mind that our response time may be a week or more, as we receive hundreds of emails daily. There may be simple, ordinary reasons for the happenings in your home. Try to look for logical reasons behind knocking, banging, hot spots, cold spots, voices etc. Q: Can spirits follow you? A: It is believed that they can, they may be attached to you or something that you have ie:an object. Q: Can children see spirits? A: Children are more open minded; therefore, they might not know if what they are seeing is a spirit. They are not preconditioned to ignore the unexplainable and really don't understand the statement “there are no such thing as ghosts”. Also keep in mind that fact and fiction are blurred in a child's mind, so use your best judgment when trying to decide if your child has had a legitimate paranormal experience. Q: What is so bad about the Ouija board? A: You are giving something beyond our realm control of your motor functions. You are allowing yourself to be manipulated by something you don’t know. It’s not the board itself, you can make a spirit board out of anything, it’s the practice of using it as a vehicle to lower your will. Q: I was sleeping and I couldn’t move, something was pushing on me what was it? A: Could have been sleep paralysis. What happens is your body temporarily paralyzes itself during sleep to prevent you from enacting everything that you are dreaming about. Sometimes your body is awake but your mind is asleep and you end up sleepwalking. Other times it works the other way around, your mind is awake but your body is sleeping and you cannot move. This can leave you delusional as, while you panic, your breathing and heart rate does not increase to compensate, so eventually you fall back asleep and all is well. Common side effects are feelings of being held down, shortness of breath, inability to speak. Q: How do I start my own group? A: This requires a group of like-minded individuals, a good sense of safety and responsibility, and common sense. Some people start with a group of friends, some look on the internet for other groups that are already up and running. Q: What is the best equipment to use? Q: How much weight can a spirit move? Q: What is a demonic or inhuman? Q: How come I keep seeing a shadow figure out of the corner of my eye, but when I look at it it’s gone? Q: Can spirits travel from place to place? |
Last Updated ( Tuesday, 22 April 2008 03:11 ) |